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November 9, 2009

Black Cohosh Root – Miracle Herb?

Filed under: Body,Health,Medicine — rightwords @ 4:01 pm

Black Cohosh root is an herb that is gaining popularity among those who want to reap the benefits of natural products. There are many benefits to taking this supplement especially if you are going through menopause. The relief that many have reported after taking this herb has many ladies investigating the claims. However, anyone who has symptoms of depression, aches and even coughing can benefit from taking this supplement.

The first thing you want to consider is whether or not Black Cohosh root is right for your specific needs. If you are pregnant or nursing then you want to strike this item off of your shopping list. Although Black Cohosh root extract is nontoxic it is not recommending for women who are nursing or pregnant.

Many people do not consider the effects of taking herbs on other medications. However, many of these supplements can interfere with the effectiveness of some drugs. If you are taking any prescriptions, including birth control, you want to discuss the Black Cohosh root supplement with your doctor before proceeding.

As a general rule, always consult your physician before taking any supplements. You will probably find that there is no problem with your adding this item to you daily routine. Once you get the go-ahead from your doctor then you and try using this product to address the following conditions.

Black Cohosh root has been reported to alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause. These include night sweats and hot flashes that can be overwhelmingly uncomfortable to the woman who is going through this stage of her life. Many menopausal women have enjoyed great relief by using this product.

Younger ladies might want to consider taking this supplement if they suffer from premenstrual syndrome. The Black Cohosh root is thought to have anti-inflammatory agents that can help relieve aches and pains associated with headaches, bloating and cramping common to this uncomfortable and irritating condition.

People who suffer from aches and pains in general can benefit from taking the Black Cohosh root extract as well. The anti-inflammatory agents are helpful in relieving muscle discomfort according to some who have taken the supplement.

Coughing is another problem that can be treated with Black Cohosh root. The supplement helps the body get rid of excess mucus. However, it is crucial that you see your doctor if you have a chronic cough because this can indicate that you have a serious health problem that can not be addressed with herbal supplements.

Could black cohosh help you with your migraine headaches?

August 10, 2009

Ocular Migraine Help

Filed under: Health,Medicine — rightwords @ 9:55 pm

Ocular migraines ordinarily should not be cause for too much concern, however ocular migraine symptoms can impede your everyday activities that you take for granted such as driving and reading. Sufferers of ocular migraines may experience migraine aura or optical migraine, these can occur without headaches and can be common to suffers, symptoms can include:

Visual blind spots
Seeing stars or spots
Flashes of light
Seeing zigzag patterns

More information on ocular migraines.

March 16, 2008

Should You Diagnose Acid Reflux Yourself?

Filed under: Body,Health,Home,Medicine — rightwords @ 4:27 pm

A Geiger Counter style device is measures how long it takes for the food to drain from your stomach, and based on the time, a doctor will decide whether or not surgery or drugs will be beneficial to you, in order to allow your stomach to drain faster. A tight stomach and slow digestion make acid reflux more likely; prescription drugs and surgery would sort this out in extreme cases.

The other test that is performed is done to check whether or not your acid reflux is psychological and in fact induced by your mind, rather than an automatic response caused by acid. It works by having a doctor insert a tube through one nostril and down the oesophagus. In any order, salt solution and acidic solution are poured down the tube.

If you’re sick and tired of heartburn then why not try a natural medicine for acid reflux?

June 25, 2007

The Lower Esophageal Sphincter

Filed under: Health,Medicine,Shopping — rightwords @ 11:53 pm

There are numerous causes of acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease; with most people assuming that foods that are high in fat or cholesterol are the main causes. Although these can be a contributory factor there are other causes and the primary one of these is the lower esophageal sphincter. Granted some people can naturally (or rather unnaturally) produce an excessive amount of stomach acid it’s still the lower esophageal sphincter that comes into play as the main protagonist in the drama of GERD.

June 22, 2007

What Is Acid Reflux?

Filed under: Body,Health,Medicine — rightwords @ 3:53 pm

Acid Reflux (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) is a condition where the acid in your stomach (very powerful hydrochloric acid) backs up out of your stomach and into your esophagus (throat). When the acid reaches this area is begins to literally digest the lining of your throat which causes an intense burning sensation, nausea and bloating. This condition is also known as dyspepsia and chronic heartburn but most people simply know it as heartburn.

How to use refluxamine to conquer your acid reflux problem once and for all.

June 10, 2007

Acid Reflux Is Dangerous!

Filed under: Body,Health,Medicine — rightwords @ 9:24 pm

Did you know that if left untreated acid reflux can have SERIOUS (even life threatening) side effects? In severe cases GERD can require surgery to finally fix the problem. Nothing is more important than your health and treating your heartburn should be a priority for you – prevention is always better than cure when it comes down to it.

Refluxamine can cure your heartburn in 10 second!

June 4, 2007

What is Acid Reflux?

Filed under: Body,Health,Medicine — rightwords @ 10:41 pm

Acid Reflux (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) is a condition where the acid in your stomach (very powerful hydrochloric acid) backs up out of your stomach and into your esophagus (throat). When the acid reaches this area is begins to literally digest the lining of your throat which causes an intense burning sensation, nausea and bloating. This condition is also known as dyspepsia and chronic heartburn but most people simply know it as heartburn.

Learn how you can use refluxamine to treat your acid reflux.

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