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November 25, 2008

What Causes Your Acne And What You Can Do

Filed under: Body,Health,Shopping — rightwords @ 11:35 pm

Acne (the medical term is acne vulgaris) is something that pretty much all of you will have to deal with at some stage in your life. It happens most commonly during the teenage years so that you have the pleasure of being hormonally unbalanced and also having an embarrassing skin problem. Teriffic eh? For others acne can be a problem that follows you into adulthood. Some 85% of the people reading this already have or will suffer from acne at some stage in their lives. But what exactly causes this annoying skin complaint and what can you do to treat it?

Acne, as a skin condition, is far more complex than most people think. As skin pores become blocked and the sebaceous glands in your skin become overactive (hyperactive in some cases) you begin to see spots and pimples all over your skin. These blocked skin pores then provide the perfect breeding ground for a bacterial infection which spreads rapidly across the skin and leaves you with an acne outbreak. As the bacterial infection spreads your skin becomes inflamed and sore as your body reacts to the presence of yeast in the bacterial infection.

A commonly held belief is that acne is caused by excessive oil and grease from your skin. This then clogs up your skin pores and causes blackheads, zits and pimples. Here’s an interesting fact – the oil that many people believe causes acne actually moves through the blocked pore and out onto your skin. This then gives you the double whammy of having both acne and oily skin. The fact remains, however, that the oil itself is not the actual cause of your spots and pimples.

So what is at the heart of your acne problem? There isn’t one single cause for acne itself – there are several. What may surprise you is that the ones you expect to find here aren’t the ones you may expect. Hormonal activity (puberty and the menstrual cycle for examples), family history, poor skin care, steroids and stress are amongst the most common causes of zits, blackheads and pimples. You may have noticed that junk food wasn’t included and that’s simply because there’s no proven link between junk food and acne.

The spots and pimples are not, however, your only concern when you have acne. Acne that’s left untreated and allowed to roam wild over your face can and will leave your face scarred with dozens of tiny holes. Don’t just ignore the problem and hope that it will vanish. You’d be better off taking action now to treat it instead of living with the scars for the rest of your life.

What acne treatments are available to you? Fortunately the treatments for acne are many and varied. You can start with basics of skin care which is exfoliation. Then you can start looking at natural treatments like taking lots of Vitamin A. Next we have the topical and oral antibiotics, Retinoic Acid (also called Retin-A), laser therapy and light therapy. Last (and by no means least) is the simple option of following a healthy lifestyle, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of clean water and get a fairly reasonable amount of exercise. This puts your body in balance and allows it to function properly and prevent skin conditions like acne.

You can conquer your acne. Take steps today to cure or prevent it. Your skill will thank you in the long run.

There is a natural and quick cure for your acne.

October 27, 2008

Acid Reflux in Infants – How To Cope

Filed under: Children,Family Stuff,Health — rightwords @ 11:43 pm

Acid reflux doesn’t just affect teenagers and adults it can affect young children too. And it can cause them the exact same problems for the exact same reasons. An adult can recognize this happening and do something about it whereas a parent has to try to decipher what’s wrong with their baby. The odd thing is that heartburn in babies is actually quite common and isn’t anything to freak out over.

As children are growing and developing their muscles and internal organs are growing with them and the stomach is part of this process. As the stomach develops it can only handle a certain amount of food at any one time so it can be quite easy to overfeed a baby by accident. Breastfeeding and giving your baby formula doesn’t cause reflux so anxious moms shouldn’t feel guilty here.

Grow Out Of It
Watching your baby suffer from heartburn is distressing for parents to say the least. The good news is that most babies will outgrow this problem by the time they’re 18 months old. Why? At 18 months your childs stomach and digestive system should be fully developed and capable of dealing with the reflux properly. If, after 18 months, your baby is still suffering from reflux it’s a good idea to make an appointment to see a doctor to make sure everthing is ok with your little one.

The big problem with acid reflux in infants and babies is that it’s hard to diagnose whether or not your child has this problem in the first place. This is true of everything that makes your baby ill – they can’t tell you what’s wrong so you have to guess a lot of the time.

You have to listen to the type of crying they’re doing to have any hope of figuring out whether or not they’re hungry, uncomfortable or both. Whenever a baby cries, it might want a feed, some affection or a change of diaper, and so whilst one of the signs of infant acid reflux is irritability and reluctance (or even outright refusal) when you try to feed the baby, this is not a good indication by itself.

How Can You Tell If It’s Acid Reflux?
One thing to watch out for here parents is if your child is constantly vomitting or spitting. The nasty taste caused by reflux will probably make your little one spit more often than you’re used to so that’s one giveaway for the presence of acid reflux.

Sometimes holding your baby in a tilted position while feeding them and putting them for a nap in a slightly elevated position afterwards can help too. You’re just allowing gravity to help with their digestion.

Why not try a natural heartburn remedy?

October 13, 2008

The Top 3 Reasons For Curing Acid Reflux

Filed under: Body,Health — rightwords @ 9:40 pm

If you’ve been an acid reflux sufferer for any length of time then you’ve probably spent a lot of time looking for a cure of some kind to end the pain. Heartburn, even if it’s just now and again, is a real drag on how you live your life. You never know exactly when it’s going to strike or how severe the pain might be this time.

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night in the middle of an attack of acid reflux and flailing around trying to find antacids when you’re half asleep. Your sleep is broken, you’re uncomfortable and your gut hurts. Not a good night.

There are 3 really good reasons for wanting to cure your heartburn.

Quality of Life
Curing your heartburn will mean an instant change in your quality of life. The first thing you’ll notice is that you’re able to sleep through the night without any attacks of acid reflux to wake you up. This means that your body is going to be more rested in the morning and you’re basically going to have a far better day.

You also won’t have heartburn problems during the day either which means you’re going to spend more time enjoying your day and less time eating handfuls of antacids to quench that fire in your stomach. TV ads make heartburn look almost trivial but that burning sensation in your throat and stomach is far from being fun.

Enjoy Your Meals
Eating food before or after an attack of acid reflux is an absolute nightmare. Reflux can leave you feeling bloated before the meal even begins and even a simple mouthful of wine can be enough to set off another attack. Eating a good meal is one of the most basic pleasures any human being can enjoy and doing that without having to worry about heartburn will make any social event a lot more enjoyable for you.

One note on the above – using a heartburn cure or remedy and eating piles of spicy food isn’t going to work. You’re fooling nobody. A major part of your “cure” would be to eat sensibly – if a particular type of food gives you heartburn… guess what? Avoid it!

Prevent Cancer
There is a condition called Barretts Oesophagus that can lead to a type of cancer appearing in your throat. This only happens to certain people and only when they’ve made no attempt to deal with their acid reflux at all. Should you be scared? If you have severe heartburn that’s been going on for years then it would be a good idea to go and have a checkup. It’s quite rare to develop cancer as part of chronic heartburn but why take chances?

Let’s be clear here – heartburn doesn’t cause cancer but the damage done to the tissue in your throat can cause cell damage and allow cancerous cells to develop. Again if you’re not sure get a checkup.

So we’ve talked about a cure a lot here but not actually shown you one.

So if you want to find that natural heartburn remedy you’ll have to click over to

March 17, 2008

Tips For Cleaning Your Paint Brushes

Filed under: Decor,DIY,Hobbies,Home — rightwords @ 4:13 pm
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People spend a lot of money when they decide on painting their home or apartment. Most of this money is spent on the various tools and accessories you need for interior decorating. Good paint brushes may be expensive but they are more than worth the money as they can be used or and over again in future painting project. If you care for your paint brushes properly that is. Cleaning your paint brushes isn’t rocket science and even the most amateur of painters can handle this task.

If you’re using water based paint then cleaning up your brushes is fairly easy; even if you’ve let them sit and dry up for a short while. Cleaning your paint brushes immediately after use is the smart course of action but sometimes we just forget these things eh? First, remove any excess paint that is still on the brush by wiping it on a old rag. Then, run cool or slightly warm water over the brush until the water dripping from the brush is clear. Gently press the brush bristles against the side of the sink or other hard surface to remove excess water. Allow the brush to dry. Badda bing – one clean paint brush!

Read the full article on how to clean your paint brushes here.

Natural Acid Reflux Treatments

Filed under: Body,Health — rightwords @ 1:23 am

Acid reflux is no laughing matter – if you know what acid reflux is of course. Acid reflux is the medical name given to the more common problem of what we know as heartburn. Yes that searing and burning sensation in your chest is noting to do with your heart at all. Nope. The problem actually starts much further south – in your stomach. Heartburn is what you feel when acid from your stomach backs up into your throat. The pain you feel is the acid eating into the lining of your throat (a part of your throat called the esophagus.

Natural treatments for acid reflux.

March 16, 2008

Should You Diagnose Acid Reflux Yourself?

Filed under: Body,Health,Home,Medicine — rightwords @ 4:27 pm

A Geiger Counter style device is measures how long it takes for the food to drain from your stomach, and based on the time, a doctor will decide whether or not surgery or drugs will be beneficial to you, in order to allow your stomach to drain faster. A tight stomach and slow digestion make acid reflux more likely; prescription drugs and surgery would sort this out in extreme cases.

The other test that is performed is done to check whether or not your acid reflux is psychological and in fact induced by your mind, rather than an automatic response caused by acid. It works by having a doctor insert a tube through one nostril and down the oesophagus. In any order, salt solution and acidic solution are poured down the tube.

If you’re sick and tired of heartburn then why not try a natural medicine for acid reflux?

December 9, 2007

Recycling Inkjet Cartridges

Filed under: Business,Computers,Shopping,Technology — rightwords @ 2:17 pm

If you’re like most people you’re concerned about the environment and what’s happening to this planet that we all share. Are you wondering what you can to do help? Why not take the first step by recycling any printer cartridges that you have laying around. The boom in inkjet printer sales and the equally impressive sales of inkjet consumables has led to a major waste management problem – what to do with all the leftover plastic from inkjet cartridges.


November 3, 2007

Computer Virus Protection

Filed under: Computers,Internet,IT,Shopping — rightwords @ 11:33 pm

Unfortunately, the answer is that they absolutely are. If you get a virus, you could actually lose your money, your identity and your computer’s hard drive. With new viruses being developed constantly, the problem continues to grow. While many viruses are more annoying than destructive, even a “harmless” virus can use up valuable resources. The worst viruses can spread worldwide in a few days and wreak unbelievable havoc. The damage from one infamous virus can mean billions of dollars in lost business opportunities and damaged equipment.

Find the best antivirus software online.

August 19, 2007

OEM Inkjet Printer Cartridges

Filed under: Computers,IT,Shopping — rightwords @ 2:27 pm

Computer ink and ink cartridges are the most widely purchased and stocked item in any computer store. The demand for both black and color ink cartridges is higher than ever before and has led to a consumer frenzy of buying. The market for supplying ink to computer owners is lucrative to the tune of billions of dollars per year – yep it’s really worth that much. Hard to believe that something so humble as the inkjet printer could be worth so much to so many eh?

Looking to stock up on inkjet printer supplies?

August 18, 2007

Inket Printer Supplies

Filed under: Computers,Office,Shopping,Technology — rightwords @ 11:32 pm

The humble inkjet printer cartridge has changed the world of home printing. From humble beginnings when all inkjet printers offered mono (black) only printing to todays current models with true photorealistic inks and glossy photo paper.

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